THE GLOBAL FOOT AND MOUTH DISEASE CONTROL ... - OIEThe OIE Sub-Commission Meeting agreed to review the SEAFMD 2020
Roadmap document taking into ..... Continued investment in the SEAFMD
regional coordination unit is required to harmonise control activities, ..... Mr Royce
Escolar, Regional Programme Manager of AusAID in Bangkok, reported on the
updates from.
UNIVERSITE PARIS XI FACULTE DE MEDECINE PARIS ... - ThèsesJun 19, 2012 ... (SEAFMD). A regional roadmap was developed with the objective of achieving
FMD freedom with vaccination by 2020 (23). This programme shows the efficacy
of a zonal approach, based ..... appropriate operator, such as the OIE (e.g.
SEACFMD Regional Coordination Unit), FAO ...... Bangkok conference,.
REPORT of the OPEN SESSION of the STANDING ... - FAO10 sept. 2012 ... Lien entre unité surveillée et unité épidémiologique . ..... Health prônée pour
lsétude des maladies infectieuses en santé publique (FAO OIE WHO, ...... de lutte
contre la maladie pour aboutir à lséradication dans la région dsici à. 2020. Les
déclarations spontanées de cas de FA sont faites directement par ...
3. Data sources, variables and specifications - Vietnam Academy Of ...FAO and OIE are encouraged to further define requirements for each stage, make
them verifiable .... on ?PCP and regional roadmaps towards a common framework
for long-term action against FMD at national ...... FINAL assessment of country
Stage position for 2009, together with the expected progression to 2020. (Chart2)
The possible role and significance of carrier swamp buffalo in the ...Jul 3, 2008 ... SEAFMD 2020 (Regional Coordination Unit, OIE Sub-Commission for foot and
mouth disease in South East Asia), 2007. SEAFMD 2020, A road map for foot and
mouth disease freedom with vaccination by 2020 in South East Asia. Bangkok,
September. Singh, B., Sharma, M., and Tiwari, R., 2007. Effect of ...