Economic Crisis and Democratic Consolidation - South-East Europe ...Economic Crisis and Democratic Consolidation - South-East Europe ...
Johanson's Co-integration Test and Vector Error Correction Model ... state of the
Nigerian money market is significantly and negatively .... to manage a portion of
the Nigeria's foreign exchange reserves ... Undoubtedly, the bank consolidation
initiative was ... expansion in recent times, there are still observed problems.

The Evolution of the International Monetary System - Princeton ...The Evolution of the International Monetary System - Princeton ...
Eszter Nova: Institute of Political Science, ELTE University; Fellow, Financial
Research ... test of consolidation is thus, perhaps, whether a democracy can
withstand ... 2) The unprecedented global growth rate of the 1960s .... When it
comes to economic success, market players expect freedom (i.e. stable and non-

Fiscal policy and interest rates: the role of financial and economic ...Fiscal policy and interest rates: the role of financial and economic ...
integration test and Error Correction Mechanism (ECM) were used. ... arbitrage
opportunities in the foreign exchange market (Heiko 2007, Capirio ...
consolidation in the banking industry by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN)
through the .... the capital market to raise additional capital for various purposes
such as expansion,.

The Impact of Debt Sustainability and the Level of Debt on ... - IMFThe Impact of Debt Sustainability and the Level of Debt on ... - IMF
regional expansion of banks that have prevailed, the degree of financial
integration .... instance, from the costs of obtaining information about foreign
markets or fixed costs in the ..... Stigler and Sherwin (1985) propose a test of
market integration which uses the similarity ..... consolidation of the US banking
industry. Although ...

Making Monetary Policy More Effective: The Case of the ... - IMFMaking Monetary Policy More Effective: The Case of the ... - IMF
D. Consolidation of Outstanding Currency-Reserve. Balances .... fluencing the
overall pace of monetary expansion on which individual countries were ... ment
under the actual gold standard certainly meets the first test of an economic .... of
British exports in world markets and of home-made import-substi- tute goods on
the ...

Impact of financial market developments on the monetary ...Impact of financial market developments on the monetary ...
additional demand created by the fiscal expansion pushes up interest rates, and
eventually ... Spillover works out on global financial markets, and affects a large
group of ... We test this model on a large cross section of OECD and emerging
market ...... the EU was much more focused on debt consolidation in the nineties.

The monetary and regulatory implications of changes in the banking ...The monetary and regulatory implications of changes in the banking ...
ing the changes in competition in the banking industry of seven West African
countries over the ..... Other countries with a similar number of banks present
different levels of concentration. For instance, the Beninese banking industry is
more concentrated than ... Turk Ariss (2010) estimates the value of the Lerner
index in.