Bridging the Gap from Text to Knowledge - GATE.ac.ukBridging the Gap from Text to Knowledge - GATE.ac.uk
We will test weather the GBP data is helpful on synonym detection. ...... Ontology
and Knowledge Representation (Termino 2004), Lyon, France, 2004. [22] Lee ....
CNAM, Paris, France, volume 4592 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. ...... A
further step in this direction is implemented in Learning Cyc [17] where semantic.

The Semantic Web - Springer LinkThe Semantic Web - Springer Link
Pierre-Antoine Champin (Université de Lyon I, France). Vinay Chaudhri (SRI ...
Dan Vodislav (CNAM-CEDRIC, Paris, France). Christopher Welty (IBM Watson
...... have been proposed and implemented in projects such as Cyc [17]. While the
...... and offers a rich test-bed for the concepts and technology of the Semantic