Chapter Three - Shodhganga3 These have been abundantly studied, from Richard C. Temple's classic
Legends of the. Panjâb (1884) .... literary culture, the culture of kavya, became
indissolubly connected to writing, so much ...... of Shastri in Grammar and of
Kavyatirtha, before he passed an exam in .... 5 (1974) and 8 (1977), 163-85, 309-
30. A related ...Epigraphia Indica Vol XI -, no) are employed in all cases (i. e. by all i?/shi families, even by the .Sunakas
and the. Vasish///as) according to the Sutra of Aj-valayana. " yatharshi va^." '
Judging by the last remark, the author seems to have considered ksv. Sx. Sutra III
, ii,. 7 and 8 to be one sutra. Of this introduction, one of the six MSS. collated by
me (I ...?????? ??????? ????3* While describing the youthful Arjuna* Panpa calls him « .... jective to Adiparval
Bharata is a secular KAVYA to Pampa and Adi* ...... and asking the® to shoot it
down-# In ?this test of assessing t-'>c ..... speaks to his sister like this : 3-qq^ vriffr-
rsT w H if i. V IcF Ctrt ^ J "S. V%~h; f5r%'^w ..... 91* Adiparva 162- 7 and 8* ...daV centre for academic excellence - DAV Fertilizer Public School ...Kavya. Kosa. Saiigita. Vaidyaka. Bhakti. Jaina. Vernacular. These principal
divisions were further to be branched off into appropriate sub-divisions. Thus the
first division "Vedic Literature" would besub-divided into (i) Sariihita, (2)
Brahmanas, (3) Aranvakas,. (4). Upanishadas. Each of these sub-divisions was
to be further.APA Newsletters Fall 20171'^%'^'";V*"; Kytf'-". '. '1. ' ^; i , <:. :v*^r:)^' ..... singular of a word nevara which
seems to be a longer form of nera, = ner (3),. * straightness, ...... the published
Persian test of the Taw&ri'kh'i-Firisktiih has GatarDev ..... inHorifitbn aru thnio
ombloras oooupying atriangular space 2|>" high and 8" wide. ...... author of the you, don't you? - IIIT Hyderabad3. Resolved that this Conference places on record its sense of sorrow at the
untimely death of Mr. Sarju Prasad, Deputy. Librarian of the University Library,
Allahabad, ...... 3. Membership. 4. Meetings and conferences. 5. Funds and
endowments. 6. Organisation: branches and affiliated associa- tions. 7.
Publications, and 8.M. D. (GENERAL MEDICINE)question paper is not designed properly, the test will give a totally incorrect
conclusion. .... Kulachi Hansraj Model School, Phase-III, Ashok Vihar (Delhi). 2.
..... You are Nirmal / Kavya, Cultural Secretary of Modern Public School, ...... 13 &
14 is 9 marks and 8 ...... ds laLÑr izse ds dkj.k gh izR;sd fl[k fj;klr esa laLÑr dh fu