Online Bibliography of Chadic and Hausa LinguisticsOnline Bibliography of Chadic and Hausa Linguistics (Version-02, ed. by. Paul
Newman ...... Results of a matched guise test on Hausa in Maiduguri. Maiduguri ...Focus in Hausa - Semantic Scholarcommunity of scholars working in the field of Chadic and Hausa linguistics. If the
biblio is ...... Results of a matched guise test on Hausa in Maiduguri. Maiduguri ...derivational morphology - SOAS Research OnlineHausa is by far the biggest of the Chadic languages. ... It is traditionally assumed
in the linguistic literature on Hausa that focus constituents are ...... test for the
prosodic properties of in situ focus with another verb, gaanii 'to see', and for other
...Avhandling revisjon 4 FIX - ResearchGateInheritance: Problems ill Comparative Linguistics. Oxford; Oxford ...... Chadic.ln Z.
Frajzy.ngier and E. Shay (eds), The Afroasiatic. Languages. ..... An empirical test
of the agglutination hypothesis. In S. Scalise, ...... A Hausa-English Dictionary.A Dictionary of MuseyUSA, where I consulted the archives on Hausa and Chadic languages, and
fieldwork in Niger and ... Hausa language and linguistics while I was in the
process of writing. ...... Additional examples from benefactive test and list of
informants?The Handbook of Linguistics The Handbook of ... - Asar ImhotepThe Musey language is a Chadic language spoken in southwestern Chad and in
an adjacent .... Hausa id. ideophone incl. inclusive intj. interjection intr.
interrogative word. K. Kanuri ...... d?k v. try, test. essayer. ...... corriger. k?rr? nf. (<
K. koro) donkey. âne. kóssà nf. (< Ar. koos < ? K.) a card ...... African Linguistics
26: 29-62.Events in Language and Thought - MPG.PuRe - Max-Planck ...Jul 14, 2010 ... the patient's consent, it is also possible to test the linguistic effect of ...... Most of
the Chadic languages have few speakers, but there is one ... Hausa, the
dominant indigenous language of northern Nigeria and southern Niger.datation et chronologie dans le bassin du lac tchadNov 3, 2016 ... 7.2.2 Relations between conceptual and linguistic event units ????? ...... to
test the relationship between SVCs and single events and a clearer, more explicit
account of ...... one Hausa, one Yoruba, and one Nyagbo. ...... The
grammatical coding of postural semantics in Goemai (a West Chadic.