health consultation - State of MichiganTable 1. Soil gas and indoor air screening levels used for the 2012 vapor ...
dichloroethene (cis-1,2-DCE), trichloroethene (TCE), and vinyl chloride (VC) ....
As such, ATSDR recommendations may not encompass all types of federal and
state ... Contaminant Level (MCL) for TCE in drinking water (5 micrograms per
liter [EPA ...
Toxicological Review of Trichloroethylene - OEHHAChapter 1 is the standard introduction to an IRIS Toxicological Review,
describing the ...... Inhalation and i.p. studies of TCE-induced liver effects in mice
NTP REPORT ON CARCINOGENS BACKGROUND DOCUMENT for ...Percent by weight concentrations of TCE, 1,2 DCA, and PCE as determined by
..... AFB; to develop, test, and model a sampling strategy for identifying indoor ....
Although sampling efforts by both Hill AFB and the ATSDR have shown that VI ...
having 2.6 parts per thousand by volume in the sub-slab soil gas, indoor air.
Offpost Operable Unit Remedial Investigation and Chemical Specific ...Table 5-1 Summary of Recent Trichloroethylene Genotoxicity ..... ATSDR is
developing information on potential public exposure to TCE and ... levels in air
range from 0.03 parts per billion (ppb) (0.16 ) .... Subpart D, 1992), TCE
is one ofthe 19 substances for which the de minimus for ..... 40 CFR 266---P ART
eportVCCEP 1-4-dioxane.wpdXRD Test Results of Clay Separates in Upper Layer Sand ..... with TCE at about
100% saturation level for 1, 2 and 4 weeks??..??...114 .... 3.1 Abridged
ATSDR priority list of selected hazardous substances ?????............25 .....
organic chemicals such as vinylchloride, trichloroethylene and trans-1,1-
North Sanitary Landfill - Ohio EPADec 31, 1988 ... 1-7. 1.2.1 NORTH BOUNDARY: ,CiNiJ I A N. ?T/TREATMEN,.-,T. 1-7. 1.2.2
material safety data sheet - Los Angeles Unified School DistrictMar 13, 2007 ... t1/2 half-life. TARP. Tucson Airport Area Remediation Project. TCE
trichloroethylene ..... and Disease Registry (ATSDR) to fill age-specific data gaps
for methylene chloride. .... The weight per gallon of 1,4-dioxane at 20oC is 8.61 lb
(HSDB,. 2007). ...... After ip administration of 1,4-dioxane to mice, a LD50 of.