Search for double beta decay to excited states ... - cuore@lngs - Infn3.9 Limits on the effective Majorana mass and test of the claim of discovery 57 ....
double beta decay to excited states with a data set collected by CUORICINO. ...
Investigating such a fundamental property is currently one of the leading
research ...... NEMO 3 (Phase I). Number of events/0.05 MeV. Mo. 100. 219,000
?? events.
Double-Beta Decay of 150Nd to Excited Final States5.2 Double-Beta Decay of 150Nd to Higher Excited States . .... prove useful by
providing experimental data which can be used to test and ..... In the case of a
Dirac neutrino, it may have a magnetic and electric dipole mo- ...... computed the
NME to excited final states for 100Mo as well as to the ground ...... Investigation of
Search for double-beta decay of 130Te to the excited states of ...Oct 19, 2012 ... 1 The majorana neutrino and the neutrinoless double beta decay. 5. 1.1 The ...
2.1.5 Test of the complete background model and background budget . . . 32 ..... (
including ??0?) which were disproved in the subsequent investigations. ...... For
the first time, the ??2?-decay of 100Mo to the excited state 0+.
an advanced Enriched Xenon double-beta decay Observatorydouble-beta decay of 130Te to the first 0+ excited state of 130Xe, both with .....
Mo. 100. Pd. 110. Cd. 116. Sn. 124. Te. 130. Xe. 136. Nd. 150. Isotope. Q?? ...
The complete investigation of the inverted hierarchy band would lead to two
possible .... One of the main purposes of CUORE-0 was the test of the CUORE
Perspectives from DOE NP - DOE Office of Science - Department of ...5 100 kg Prototype Detector ... tor to investigate double beta decay in 136Xe with
Majorana neutrino mass ... state, a barium ion, thus providing an essentially
background-free ...... transition at 493 nm between the 62S1/2 ground state and
the first excited ..... Primary detection of the fluorescence photons for our test
setup is ...
Properties of Selected Radioisotopes - NTRS - NASAin electronic image products. ... Investigations of the Ground-State Hyperfine
Atomic ... detection of beta decay from the trap and evaluated the prospects of
precision beta ..... [9] showed that neutrinos were 100% left-handed polarized ....
of neutral atoms to improve the accuracy of beta decay measurements to test the