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Niveau : 2AM. Année scolaire : 2011-2012. Devoir de Français N°02 du 2ème
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SLEEP 2016 | Abstract Supplement - ResearchGateSLEEP 2016 | Abstract Supplement - ResearchGate
These results demonstrate that the test diet improved NREM sleep, which may be
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Meal 1 and least (13.0%) in Meal 6. A significant interaction (F ...... Laura Barger,
Amy Yu, Conor O'Brien, Justin Buie and Salim Qadri for their help in running the ...

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the test diet improved NREM sleep, which may be dependent in part on reduced
levels of ...... Sakai N1, Charizanis K2, Lee K2,3, Swanson MS2, Nishino S1.
1Stanford ...... estimated and ETs overestimated intervals (p < .05), while at night
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their ...

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Feb 7, 1988 ... test. "It takes a special fourth grader to get up early on a Saturday morning and
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11-0 record. The Lancers ...... Salim Hoss, who pledged in a tele- gram to ......
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Jun 8, 2012 ... plicated 4th-order-convergent finite-difference scheme in their TD treatment. ...
modes of the metric perturbation did not evolve stably in the TD). ...... n=1. D?,2n.
[ n. ? k=0. (2L ? 2k)(2L + 2k). ]?1. (5.44) where the D?,2n are extra regularization
...... ets are estimates of the n umerical error in the last display ed.