Yearbook of the International Law Commission 1962 Volume IIYearbook of the International Law Commission 1962 Volume II
national Law Commission, 1954, volume II, page 1. ... ume II, page 5. 6A/CN.4/99
, Yearbook of the International Law Commis- ...... (2) At its second session in
1950 the Commission ...... test would scarcely be feasible, for it would be a nice.

Yearbook of the International Law Commission 1962 Volume IYearbook of the International Law Commission 1962 Volume I
mission are printed in volume II of this Yearbook. A/C.N.4/Ser.A/1962 ...
development of international law (General Assembly reso- lution 1686 (XVI)) (
item ..... Sales No.: 48.V.1 (1). See Yearbook of the Interna- tional Law
Commission,. 1950, vol. II. Ibid. IX ..... work drawn up in 1949 had stood the test of
time remarkably well.

United Nations Conference on the Law of Treaties, volume II ...United Nations Conference on the Law of Treaties, volume II ...
Yearbook of the International Law Commission, Vol. II. CONTENTS {continued).
Page .... Resolution 478 (V) of 16 November 1950: Reserva- tions to multilateral
conventions. ...... which the test of compatibility with the object and purpose of the

Somalia - International Court of JusticeSomalia - International Court of Justice
the law of treaties (A/CN.4/177 and Add. 1-2) is printed in Volume II of the 1965.
Yearbook. ... List of Yearbooks of the International Law Commission published
..... 1950, vol. I Summary records of the second session. 1950, vol. II Documents
of the second session. 1951 ...... disarmament treaties or nuclear test-ban treaties
, of.

the refugee convention, 1951 - UNHCRthe refugee convention, 1951 - UNHCR
Aug 4, 2017 ... volume II of the Yearbook of the International Law Commission 2017. ...... (6) The
Commission's 1950 Principles of International Law ...... Protection of Human
Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.240 In applying this legal test,.

The Immunity of Official Visitors - Max-Planck-Institut für ...The Immunity of Official Visitors - Max-Planck-Institut für ...
summary records of the first session will be found in a separate volume, and a
third volume contains the ...... national Law Commission as early as 1950, and
from the very beginning ... 9 See Yearbook of the International Law Commission,
1965, vol. I, p. 23. ...... for machinery to test the compatibility of a proposed
reservation ...