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Kwon5, K.C. Moon2, S. Choi6, J.S. Lim6, Y.J. Choi7, S.J. Jung8, S.D.. Lim9, S.H. Paick9 ... agnosis is challenging and includes clear cell RCC, papillary RCC, clear ... Pathology of Hassan II University Hospital of Fes, in which we identify. 15 cases of ... source, cross-browser web tool in jQuery for individual users and groups.

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or if animal research is reported, the usual standards and guidelines for animal care ... (table II) and Intubation difficulty score which was statistically ... Current airway studies include elderly patients ... and postoperative MMS scores with the paired t-test. ... J. Salsbury, D. Prough, J. S. Funston, G. Kramer.

 Abstracts of Posters presented at the 2016 Annual Meeting of the ... Abstracts of Posters presented at the 2016 Annual Meeting of the ...