 Transfinite surface interpolation over irregular n-sided domains Transfinite surface interpolation over irregular n-sided domains
appelée forme faible, sur un domaine volumique ?. Pour cela, on utilise une fonction de test, ou ... In SGP08 : Proceedings of Eurographics.

 Quad Meshing - ALICE team Quad Meshing - ALICE team
and different local parameterization schemes (Sections 4 and 5). Illustrative test examples (Section 6) and suggestions for future work conclude the paper.

 Driving Simulation Conference Europe 2010 Proceedings ... - Ifsttar Driving Simulation Conference Europe 2010 Proceedings ... - Ifsttar
Abstract. Triangle meshes have been nearly ubiquitous in computer graphics, and a large body of data structures and ge- ometry processing algorithms based ...

On Some Interactive Mesh Deformations - Tesis Doctorals en XarxaOn Some Interactive Mesh Deformations - Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa
7.12 AR 2 wing mounted inside 1.4m × 2 m wind tunnel test section on ... [SGP08], who applied DBD flow control to two dimensional wings equipped.

 Knitting 4D Garments with Elasticity Controlled for Body Motion Knitting 4D Garments with Elasticity Controlled for Body Motion
The test subjects drove in the dark and were dazzled by oncoming vehicles. Studies where glare is simulated in a driving simulator are relatively sparse. In.

 Construction of musculoskeletal systems for anatomical simulation Construction of musculoskeletal systems for anatomical simulation
Then, given a point p, we test if any pair of adjacent triangles T1 and T2 of the induced Delaunay. Triangulation is near a flip. If so, we compute two sets ...

 Feature Correspondences using Morse Smale Complex Feature Correspondences using Morse Smale Complex
For exam- ple, the recent difficulties with forming a government in Italy and the possibility of reversal of reforms or.