Sédimentation de la matière organique dans les bassins profondscorriger et critiquer mon travail, Armelle Ribouleau, Philippe Razin, ... The first from the end of the Cretaceous to the Middle Eocene, ...
Evolution tectono-sédimentaire du système carbonaté - TEL (thèsesspecial de sedimentary Geology ; merci à Alex Hairabian avec qui ... In south-west Albania, the Upper Cretaceous carbonate series are made ...
bulletin - Société géologique de FranceUpper Cretaceous Muti-Formation. - Transition of a Mesozoic carbonate platform to a foreland basin in the Oman Mountains. ? Sedimentology, 4, 1123-.
La Nappe alluviale de Soucy-Les-Grandes-Pièces (Yonne, France)Later on, an alluvial greyish soil develops, marking a stabilization phase, while the forested environment tends to disappear,.
radiolarians and tethyan radiolarites from primary production to their ...posed only during late l9?0s, first with the Cretaceous, then lbr the Jurassic, ... ofdissolved sirica in the uppermosr r00 m ofthe sea lnorttrem winter) i.
The evolution of the Urgonian platform in the Western Swiss Jura ...The climate during the Early Cretaceous: controlling factors and main perturbations..18 ... Sedimentological definition of the lower and upper boundaries.
SMALL THEROPODS FROM THE LATE CRETACEOUS OF THE ...The vertebrate fauna of the Hateg Basin (Late. Cretaceous : Latest Maastrichtian; Antonescu et al. 1983) was discovered in 1895 and first described iÏ. 1900 by ...
Guide: géologie et archéologie de Genève Guidebook: geology and ...where the Upper Basal Moraine of the Rhône Glacier passes ... Since early fimes, the Geneva Basin offered ... 17 using sedimentological.
Evolution du contenu sédimentaire détritique au cours ... - Thèses UPShistoires tectoniques, de cristallisations, de refroidissements et sédimentologiques. ... pris en compte et corrigé grâce au facteur Zeta qui est une constante déterminée ... établir un nombre de chemin test, dont on définit le nombre, et de déterminer le ou les ... (2013), Pereira et al.,2011, 2012, 2016, 2017, Shaw et al., (2014),.