121 Cong. Rec. (Bound) - Extensions of Remarks: August 1, 1975121 Cong. Rec. (Bound) - Extensions of Remarks: August 1, 1975
Aug 1, 1975 ... mission. I only wish that he had insisted on a more responsive answer to his ques
- tion. I suspect Representative SLACK would have asked questions ..... equality
under the law. And the agenda was the enactment of legislation that would
achieve that goal. In some measure that has been accomplished.

01A Front (Page 1) - Oneida Nation01A Front (Page 1) - Oneida Nation
Aug 15, 2013 ... Rd E, Oneida. Oneida. Singers at 10:30 a.m.. Funeral Service will fol- low at 11:
00 a.m. with. Pastor Candace Ascher officiating. Procession will be to ...... ?I'm
glad we went, we learned a lot and we met a lot of super great people that had a
shared vision and mission,? said. Manthe. ?The whole group was.

remedial investigation report for operable unit 1, volume 6, appendix ...remedial investigation report for operable unit 1, volume 6, appendix ...
Aug 31, 1994 ... The sole purpose of the sample calculations provided in this appendix is to
furnish the basis of how selected values were calculated so .... (08C-5500-(3-
00864) for. Waste Pit 1. This drawing is supported by its similarity to Waste Pit 2
construction drawings 08C-5500-G-00233 and 08C-5500-G-01110. F-2-7 ...

esarda 54 - JRC Publications Repository - Europa EUesarda 54 - JRC Publications Repository - Europa EU
BCS HLNCC, there is no predetermined ratio. Instead, as- suming that b a. = 2. 4
as outlined in the literature [6,7], the fit- ting parameters were found to be a = ? ?
... The dead time values found are within error using the different empirical
approaches, due to the insensitivity of the equations to b over a wide range of

Publications of the National Institute of Standards and ... - NIST PagePublications of the National Institute of Standards and ... - NIST Page
tron and heavy particle collisions and assuming Case. B of Baker & Menzel. The
intensities of lines formed by transitions n sub mu - > n sub I are tabulated for n
sub mu = or < 50, n sub I = or < 29, at log N sub e = 4(1)13 and at 10 values of
electron temperature in the interval 10,000 K = or < T sub e = or < 500,000 K.

Ecological Sustainability of Regional Development - IIASA PUREEcological Sustainability of Regional Development - IIASA PURE
taken in investigations of the evolution of t h e bicrsph41-e as part of the history of
the Earth. In 1926. Vernadsky's fundamenW ralc Y h BLoaphra pablished. 1
regret very much Chat this work has not yet bean published in English. We will do
it in the marest future. The leetures Vetnadsky held at the Sorbonne were pub-.

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory - eScholarshipLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory - eScholarship
Feb 23, 2006 ... B. C. D. E. Roll Call. Pledge of Allegiance. Invocation. Approval of items on the
Consent Agenda - all items with an asterisk (*) are considered to be routine ......
Vision for the City - Brief report of Leadership Training ? Draft Mission Statement
for the City. ...... (See appendices for Surrounding Land Use map).

the proceedings and debates - GovInfothe proceedings and debates - GovInfo
Jul 1, 1990 ... dS!3~L-Ji!1 .. ;. :,::1.~.J b-Ji.J~~ __ .·:_.il,).c~ in 1--'170, llC ~7atj tt-~.:.:! 'lice ~resi(·
12['.;.t and Pr.:.)vo~t l!:: ,:-o>n~ Hopkin:::> University (l966-70). He .... APPENDIX II
. Nuclear Spins of the Actinide Elements (1 page to be canpiled by Ken Vander
Sluis). specific Activity of Actinide. Nuclides (3 pages to be ...