Notes to Chapter 1 - Springer LinkNotes to Chapter 1 - Springer Link
Duras had gained first-hand experience of mainstream French cinema. She
wrote the screen-play for .... to the Freud of 'Three Essays on Sexuality' (1905),
unconscious homosexual object- choices are found at the ...... fertile avenue of
intertextual investigation in Emily concerns the Captain, who can be compared
with the ...

ESA 6 (2013) - Société de Stylistique AnglaiseESA 6 (2013) - Société de Stylistique Anglaise
Reynold (1920), à François Porché (1926, 1941, 1945), à William T. Bandy (1946
), à Claude. Pichois & Jean Ziegler ...... are to be attributed to writers' conscious
intentions or to unconscious compulsions is for ..... Nous tenterons toujours de
soumettre les acquis de la critique à un examen rigoureux, fait du point de vue de

la théorie de la lecture chez marcel proust - TSpace - University of ...la théorie de la lecture chez marcel proust - TSpace - University of ...
in buttons and a French bonne; thou shalt go to the devil unless thou has a
Brougham. (?). (1848, 342). Enfin, le ...... constructed, and how the unconscious
is defined in terms of a musical topography. Key words : Bion ...... devices and
intertextual references, one can understand how this text constructs the hybrid

george sand studies - George Sand Associationgeorge sand studies - George Sand Association
a hidden mental facility, a metonym for the mind which the French language
captures perfectly in the word .... of unconscious mask, whereas the conscious
mask is exemplified by scheme, plot, and pretense. In both ...... d'usurpations et
les pourra corriger, comme Moliere a corrige tant de ridicules. Dieu le veuille, et
que ...