Data Science - Springer Link1. Introduction. 85. 1.1 Comment Hekaton accélère-t-il les traitements ? ... 3.3.1
Les index de hachage. 101. 3.3.2 Les range index. 105. SQL Server 2014.
Optimisez l'exploitation de vos bases de données et tirez parti des dernières
nouveautés .... 8.5.1 La fonctionnalité serveur de test/serveur de production. 193.
8.5.2 Les ...SQL Server 2014 - The domain is registered by space limitations we do not present a full performance evaluation. Our test
dataset was crawled from the website and contains 122,467 events.
It consists only of events that took place in ...... Freedman, C., Ismert, E., Larson, P
.-Å.: Compilation in the microsoft SQL server hekaton engine. IEEE Data Eng.
Bull.Téléchargez le catalogue des formations professionnelles ... - Supinfo20 oct. 2004 ... période d'examen. ... Langages : Moins de Java au détriment des autres (par
exemple C, C++). .... (Open Source d'émulation LINUX sous Windows). .... Env.:
Windows XP et serveur Windows 2003, ColdFusion, ORACLE 10g,. ... Env.:
Windows 2000, LINUX Debian,Apache,PHP, MySQL, EPO (Intrastructure ...High-Performance Concurrency Control Mechanisms for Main ...1 juil. 2016 ... Ingénierie du logiciel. ? SQL Server. Visual Basic. ? Conception Web. ? Windows
Server. Pour une liste complète des parcours Spécialiste et Expert, rendez-vous
sur Parcours. Spécialiste. Modalités : Suivez 2 cours
obligatoires. Validez les examens de certification de ces deux cours.Toward Scalable Transaction Processing - Ippokratis PandisMay 1, 2012 ... ABSTRACT. A database system optimized for in-memory storage can support
much higher transaction rates than current systems. However, standard
concurrency control methods used today do not scale to the high transaction
rates achievable by such systems. In this pa- per we introduce two efficient ...Data Platform Summit 2017 - Session List - DataPlatformGeekstest-bed for database research. Sun Niagara T1 ... HyPer. ? Logical &
Physiological partitioning. ? Oracle RAC. ? DORA/PLP on Shore-MT. ? Lock-free
algorithms & MVCC. ? TokuDB. ? MemSQL. ? Hekaton. 7. [VLDB2007] .....
Stonecipher, N. Verma, M. Zwilling: Hekaton: SQL Server's Memory-Optimized.
OLTP Engine.LIPIcs, Vol. 32, SNAPL'15 - Complete Volume - DROPS - Schloss to migrate from Oracle to SQL Server and Azure SQL Database when you are
empowered with right tools and ..... Abstract: Learn how the "Hekaton" engine
works behind the scenes to deliver the amazing 30x ..... and build unit tests for
database code with database projects Understand the challenges of test data
and.LIPIcs, Vol. 32, SNAPL'15 - Complete Volume - SunSITE Central ...May 3, 2015 ... compiled from language S , might be a continuation-based web server that
provides call/cc- based primitives that a ...... program exploration or test case
generations to exercise specific parts (e.g. suspicious) of .... languages like SQL,
provide a cautionary tale of the software engineering challenges inherent.