Adolescents and plastic surgery - RePub, Erasmus University ...Adolescents and plastic surgery - RePub, Erasmus University ...
publication on the subject (Pruzinsky and Cash 1990), and no Dutch one at all.
14 ...... expectations: Mann-Whitney U Test were used for two observations and a
... 2,37. ···-- ?? 2.00. Adolescents. Raters .. ? .. Girls ---..-Boys. Parents. Mean
values of severity ratings by surgeons, adolescents and parents across gender.
48 ...

Using Intervention Mapping to help healthy pregnant women ...Using Intervention Mapping to help healthy pregnant women ...
Dutch textbook for physiology of childbirth taught that 12 kg was an average
GWG.8 This book ...... ANOVA-test. Relationships between pre-pregnancy PA
and Change in PA were explored using cross tabulation and Chi-square. Further
visual graphs were created ...... Nederlandse Vereniging voor Obstetrie &

The potential of a classroom network to support teacher feedbackThe potential of a classroom network to support teacher feedback
(Dutch: havo) and at the secondary grades 10-12 of pre university education (
Dutch: vwo). Besides ... exam standards. 2. Study programs are overloaded and
fragmented, leading to a significantly heavier task for the teachers, having fewer
lessons actually available. 3. Curricular ...... Vereniging van Wiskundeleraren.

Tijdschrift nr. 85 - Auschwitz StichtingTijdschrift nr. 85 - Auschwitz Stichting
representative prevalence rates of depressive disorder and symptoms for Dutch
adolescents are known. ..... was translated into Op Volle Kracht (OVK; At Full
Force) and adapted to fit the Dutch culture. Previous .... In order to test whether
OVK as universal depression prevention also increased resilience, the following

exam standards. 2. Study programs are overloaded and fragmented, leading to a
significantly heavier task for the teachers, having fewer lessons actually available
. 3. Curricular .... Bakker (2004) states that the actual trend of self-regulated
learning in Dutch mathematics education, as is ...... Vereniging van

Faculteit Technische Natuurkunde Verslag 1989Faculteit Technische Natuurkunde Verslag 1989
1 jan 1978 ... school Eindhoven geruime tijd nauw is samengewerkt; met name ...... De nieuwe
regeling stelt slechts één vreemde taal verplicht voor het eindexamen. Welke
vreem:ie talen worden nu over het algemeen nog gekozen door toekomstige ....
Zelfs na een middelbare schoolopleiding Frans oude stijl blijven.