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spread the word and gather data such as retired Lt. Col. Wendell Stevens.
MUFON and most other ..... ?I saw no aliens and within a few seconds it rose up to
about twenty feet and shot away at tremendous ...... of newspapers while state
television on Wednesday showed a sparkling, white disk it said was filmed over
Tehran ...

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lished or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions
in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L'archive ......
poids se verront ainsi soumises avant mise en circulation à un simple examen
des ...... supérieures aux prévisions en raison du caractère non destructif de cet

Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1994-04-14 - Daily Iowan: ArchiveDaily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1994-04-14 - Daily Iowan: Archive
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IO; pour nisi qui, voir Ciceron, Ph., 2, 81; Brut., 61; Cesar, G., 1, ...... neptna:tof dev
'essere tenuta presente (basta pensare alla scuola peripatetica), la quale, ......
ThLL, IV, s.u? col. 1173, 1.31 sgg.). Questo significato, pero, come giustamente
osserva G. Bonfante, e sicuramente "antico come dimostra decrepitus, che
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7 - There are a few of7 - There are a few of
?.E. NORTHUP, Gulf General Atomic San Diego : "Pressure and. Temperature
Tests and Evaluation of a ..... The major test categories are room temperature
biaxial creep, room temperature triaxial creep and ...... le débit d'eau brute
nominal. Ce régime aurait pu être maintenu jusqu'en Octobre mais l'eau brute a
été coupée.

Report of the Librarian of Congress (1923) - American MemoryReport of the Librarian of Congress (1923) - American Memory
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Woodburn ...... UI and Iowa State University Col- leges of Engineering will ....
Norman E. Pedersen and Rose M. Wieland, of West Branch, Iowa, ...