Maintainability Measurement in Object Oriented ... - ResearchGateKey-words: Object-Oriented Design Metrics; Error Prediction Model; Object-
Oriented Software ... Introduction. 1 . 1 Motivation. The development of a large
software system is a time- and resource-consuming activity. Even with the
increasing automation of .... This group tested all systems according to similar test
Object-Oriented Metrics - University of Calgary Webdisk ServerInstitut de Technologie de l'information. Validating Object-oriented. Design
Metrics on a. Commercial Java Application. Daniela Glasberg, Khaled El Emam,.
Walcelio Melo ... empirical study which has as objectives to formally test this
theory while validating the metrics .... Figure 1: Overview of object-oriented
metrics theory.
Effort estimation and prediction of object-oriented systems 1 - DisitKeywords: maintainability; maintenance; object-oriented; measurement; metrics;
software quality. I. INTRODUCTION. Generally it is very difficult to accomplish a
good software design because of its error prone nature. The presence of defects
in .... of a design metric (the number of test cases) to predict the testing time.
A method and tool for assessing object-oriented projects and metrics ...Object-Oriented Metrics: A Review of Theory and Practice. Khaled El Emam. 1.1
Introduction. In today's business environment, competitive pressures demand the
... and design models. The true value of product metrics comes from their
association with measures of important external attributes (ISO/IEC, 1996). An
external ...
An OO Approach for Regression Testing and Ripple Effect ...Keywords: Object-oriented metrics; Effort evaluation and prediction; Analysis and
design metrics; Code metrics. 1. Introduction. In recent years, several industries
moved to the ob- ject-oriented paradigm (OOP) in the hope of satisfying their
needs in terms of reusability, capability for pro- gramming ``in the large'' (i.e., for
the ...
Assessing the Quality of Architectural Design Quality Metricsoperandi with metrics, with a special care to detect analysis and design problems
as soon as possible, and for effort estimation and ... Keywords: Product and
process assessment; Diagram analysis; Object-oriented metrics; Assessment tool
; Effort prediction; Profiles and histograms; .... Overview of object-oriented metrics.
school of information and communication technology gautam ...accommodate changes, we have defined a change impact model for object-
oriented systems. ... Keywords: object-oriented, changeability, design properties,
change, impact, ripple effect, regression testing. 1. Introduction. Changeability,
major subject of this paper, is key .... A set of design metrics will be used to
quantify the.