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The distribution of shortest path distances in unweighted graphs has been
studied under the term neighborhood function ...... algorithm and software
engineering patterns: parallelization; heuristics or approximation algorithms for
.... 12 is the result of running time measurements on a test set of networks (see.
Sec. 6.2 for the ...

project periodic report - Quantware MIPS Centerproject periodic report - Quantware MIPS Center
Oct 6, 2011 ... Paolo Boldi, Marco Rosa, and Sebastiano Vigna. Endogenous Control of
DeGroot ..... Given a directed graph G, its neighbourhood function NG(t) returns
for each t ? N the number of pairs of nodes ?x, ...... Boldi, P., Rosa, M., Vigna, S.:
HyperANF: Approximating the neighbour- hood function of very large ...

Chapman & Hall/CRC Big Data Series - GeekBooksChapman & Hall/CRC Big Data Series - GeekBooks
Oct 6, 2011 ... We test strategies based on PageRank and on clustering (see Section 4.1 for
more information about ... neighbourhood function of graphs with billions of
nodes with a small error and good confidence using a ...... Boldi, P., Rosa, M.,
Vigna, S.: HyperANF: Approximating the neighbour- hood function of very ...