Download book PDF - Springer LinkThe distribution of shortest path distances in unweighted graphs has been
studied under the term neighborhood function ...... algorithm and software
engineering patterns: parallelization; heuristics or approximation algorithms for
.... 12 is the result of running time measurements on a test set of networks (see.
Sec. 6.2 for the ...
project periodic report - Quantware MIPS CenterOct 6, 2011 ... Paolo Boldi, Marco Rosa, and Sebastiano Vigna. Endogenous Control of
DeGroot ..... Given a directed graph G, its neighbourhood function NG(t) returns
for each t ? N the number of pairs of nodes ?x, ...... Boldi, P., Rosa, M., Vigna, S.:
HyperANF: Approximating the neighbour- hood function of very large ...
Chapman & Hall/CRC Big Data Series - GeekBooksOct 6, 2011 ... We test strategies based on PageRank and on clustering (see Section 4.1 for
more information about ... neighbourhood function of graphs with billions of
nodes with a small error and good confidence using a ...... Boldi, P., Rosa, M.,
Vigna, S.: HyperANF: Approximating the neighbour- hood function of very ...