LUKE - Biblical authorship of the Acts, as Bishop Lightfoot has shown (art. "Acts" in ..... annos,
uxorem non habens] ad quam uroem rn'cesimo Constantii anno ossa ejus cum
reliquiis ... by the prologue to the Gospel : his narrative is the result of care- ful
enquiry in ...... Test., of which Book III. is a catena of Passages on S. Luke ;. Migne
...Reliquiae Hearnianae : The remains of Thomas Hearne; being ...Art. X. 2. 20. **) ITI Piraeeo praediiim halniisse Menandrum ìubindical Al- ....
cesimo. ,4. A id. ...... rovi fcv-d'qakag, Mévavdgog iv 'A^gijqógcp. Corrige : d
rqigxaràqare, ...... òf^ov yàq èorcv èèrixovra ...... ^td yi Xéytov xòv xaigòv è'qirjg ^
iov, ivyi, Mévavògé? ...... voluit, non lacessere, et Prolog. ...... --- ? Vs. 4.. fiijx' dv
dxvj/iijaag.Études les Homm - Forgotten BooksZen and the Art of Symbolic Computing: Light and Fast Applicative. Algorithms for
...... and Prolog's built-in query subsumption test without repeatedly backtracking
and redoing the ...... Centro de Simulación y Modelos (CESIMO). Universidad ...