Abstract Book - BCATS - Stanford UniversityAbstract Book - BCATS - Stanford University
Command/Service Module, the astronauts had to test the multitude ..... test the
Apollo Command/Service Module in low Earth orbit. ...... Gennadiy Chuyeshov.

2007 Lucas Report - 24M PDF - Stanford RSL - Stanford University2007 Lucas Report - 24M PDF - Stanford RSL - Stanford University
30 Gennadiy Chuyeshov. Localizing a Guidewire in Three ..... Indentation testing
is used to test cartilage material properties (1). Previ- ous models of indentation ...

L ucas Cent er Annual R epor t 2008 - Stanford RSLL ucas Cent er Annual R epor t 2008 - Stanford RSL
have a single MR exam, rather than the current multi-exam pro- cedure. Finally,
we .... Chuyeshov) for more precise ... Gennadiy Chuyeshov, David Tran.

L ucas Cent er Annual R epor t 2009 - Stanford RSLL ucas Cent er Annual R epor t 2009 - Stanford RSL
left to right: Gennadiy Chuyeshov, Ushah Kiran Kommi Reddi, Bhargav Raman,
Sandy Napel, ..... role in the NCRR-funded FIRST BIRN schizophrenia test bed.